Monday, June 26, 2006

A whole month has gone by

Wow. Time flies when you get busy. This past month has been a whirlwind of activity. Let's see where to begin.
The most time consuming project was make-a-mess (renovation of our youth room). We started end of may and have stopped (just trim work left) this past thursday so that the room can be used for vacation bible school. You can follow the progress of the construction of the room at the administration blog for the Church at Tatesbrook. I would like to thank all those that helped out in making the vision God had given me a reality. I hope that this room will become the blessing to the youth of the community that God wants it to be.
The other big event that has happened this month is my wife's first misson trip. She and a friend from our church went with a group to Ecuador. (you can read their stories on ) It was a blessing for her to go and experience that. I can tell just from talking to her that her life will be transformed by this trip. I know that she touched so many peoples lives (i believe that the three doctors saw close to 1000 people in the 12 days they were there) but she is constantly asking for God to reveal what He wanted her to get out of it. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for her. I am going to encourage her to continue to blog on that site so all of you can know what God has done in her life.
I hope to get back on a regular blogging schedule now that make-a-mess is done. VBS starts tonite and I really enjoy helping out with that. Talk to you all soon.


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